Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Blog #41- Answer to practice interview questions

 Today I will be filling the practice interview question with the answer i got from the student I interview(Angel hong)

What do you plan to accomplish this year? Something I plan on accomplishing this year is being able to study at the university of my choice.

What do you like to do for fun? I like to read for fun because it's something that I really enjoy

What is your favorite thing to do? My favorite thing to do is sleep

How has the recent pandemic impacted you? Because of the recent pandemic i started to find myself less motivated and a bit more lazy when having to do things and go out

Who inspires you? My mom is the one who inspires me

What is your favorite thing to eat? My favorite thing to eat is Banhxel 

How do you manage to do your day to day tasks? I created a routine and schedule in order to complete my daily task.

Where are you from? I was born here but my parents are originally from Vietnam

What would you change about yourself if you could? Something I would like to change about myself is the way I view things and being able to see things from different perspectives 

What makes you really angry? Something that makes me really angry is when i'm in a group or team project and my partner or teammates aren't able to keep up with me or slow me down when we are doing projects and assignments  

Where do you see yourself in three years?  I see myself getting my bachelor's degree in three years

What is the dumbest or craziest thing you have ever done?   I accidentally punctured a hole in my foot 

What would you do if you got Superman's powers?  If I had superman's powers I would do my best to help people, try to lower crime, solve problems regular humans can't, and just try to make the world a better place overall.

What is or was your favorite subject in school?  English is my favorite subject in school

What is your favorite movie?  My favorite movie is Belle

How many languages do you speak?  I speak two languages. English and Vietnamese

What is one thing you will never do again?  Cry in public 

What are you scared of the most?  Insects scare me the most

what would you wish for if you could wish for anything?  I would wish that I was able to speak and understand every language in the world

What place do you want to go to the most?  The place that I want to visit the most is Korea 

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